JinkoSolar delivers 220,000 TOPCon modules to Bulgaria

JinkoSolar, a prominent player in the global solar PV manufacturing industry, has made headlines with a significant announcement. They have successfully delivered over 220,000 Tiger NEO TOPCon bifacial 72 modules for the Verila Solar Power Plant, which happens to be Bulgaria’s largest solar project. This milestone is not only of great significance for Bulgaria but also garners attention as a remarkable achievement in Europe’s renewable energy landscape. The deployment of these cutting-edge modules will contribute to the advancement of sustainable energy generation in the region.

Perched on the southern slope of Verila Mountain, in close proximity to the village of Kraynits, lies the impressive Verila plant, boasting a capacity of 123 MW. This solar power facility is strategically situated at an elevation ranging from 700 to 1,000 meters above sea level, encompassing a vast expanse of 1,300 acres across the undulating and steep terrain. The unique location of the plant presents an intriguing blend of engineering complexities and promising prospects, making it an exciting venture in the renewable energy landscape.

The upcoming project is poised to revolutionize Bulgaria’s energy landscape, serving as a catalyst to significantly boost the country’s solar power capacity by an impressive 7%. This remarkable leap forward represents a pivotal milestone in Bulgaria’s transition towards renewable energy sources, signaling a clear and decisive stride away from traditional fossil fuel reliance. The project’s magnitude and impact underscore the progress being made in a region that has historically exhibited a slower pace in adopting sustainable alternatives.

Frank Niendorf, the General Manager of JinkoSolar Europe, lauded the progress as a resounding testament to JinkoSolar’s groundbreaking TOPCon technology, serving as a guiding light for the renewable energy transformation throughout Europe. Expressing his enthusiasm, he remarked, “The Verila project will not only establish itself as a benchmark in Bulgaria but also as a shining example of renewable energy transition across the entire European continent.” Niendorf emphasized the significance of this achievement, highlighting that the utilization of TOPCon bifacial modules in one of Europe’s largest projects is a source of immense pride for JinkoSolar, marking a crucial milestone for the industry as a whole.

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