Harvesting Sunshine: Solar is America’s Newest Cash CropThursday, Nov 02 2023

Throughout generations, American farmers have harnessed the power of the sun to sustain their communities and contribute to the nation’s development. Presently, aided by solar module and storage technologies, agricultural communities are not only supplying the food that sustains us but also generating the clean energy that drives our economy.

The combination of agriculture and solar energy is known as agrivoltaics and is one of the fastest-growing applications of solar today. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimates that there are currently 2.8 GW of agrivoltaic sites in the U.S., with more projects coming online every week.

Although there are still individuals who view solar development as conflicting with agriculture, numerous communities are showcasing the mutual advantages that solar energy can bring to American farmlands and local economies.

Solar power plays a vital role in the economic viability of numerous farming enterprises

On a smaller scale, residential solar installations owned by landowners can substantially decrease a farm’s electricity expenses, frequently meeting the power requirements of barns, storage facilities, machinery, and the residence.

According to research conducted by Michigan State University, a 10 kilowatt (kW) solar setup has the potential to save an average farm approximately $1,880 annually. For energy-intensive operations like dairy farms, the savings could be even higher, with a 10 kW system potentially cutting costs by nearly $4,000 per year. When coupled with federal incentives and USDA rural energy initiatives, farms stand to further reduce their initial investment expenses.

In another approach, farmers have the option to lease a portion of their land to a utility-scale solar project, securing a consistent, passive income throughout the year.For family farms operating with narrow profit margins, this additional income can be essential.

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